
Portrait Project
Launch date: August 2010

The 2nd series of personal projects inspired by Ernst Haeckel's Scientific drawings; a scientist, biologist and artist who lived in the Romanticism era of the mid 1800's the early 1900's.

Haeckel studied and named up to five thousand species, his biggest findings were the Radiolarians that lived at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Haeckel's findings were introduced at a time when Science and Spirituality were clearly separated. Providing equal relevant links to both; mapping the scientific complexities of the Radiolarian, but clearly pointing out their radiant life force.

Imagine a place on the ocean bed over their vast rolling hills where Cathedrals are built on the premises of saintly faith and scientific exploration. Small organisms provide endless power supply to the workings of every mechanical light source as their starry shapes fill the plate of the scientists microscope. The scientist clothes himself in the luxurious worldly relics of the late 17th century like a industrial revolutionary statesmen he continues to uncover and discover all found in this dimension.

Props/ Wardrobe/ Art Direction by Lacy Barry
Photography by Andy Long Hoang

Lacy Barry 2019