Visual Artwork
Date: 2013
Opening Reception: November 22nd, 7pm-10pm
Exhibition: Nov 22st – 24th 2013
Bottleneck Gallery, Charity Show for Hour Children
Three-dimensional wings assembled on a technical light explosion mural. A colorful burst of gradients, this series is an ethereal aftermath of intensity into calm that exudes from a explosive situation whether good, bad or indifferent; a burning star, a personal or monumental disaster, an explosive state of one's joy or anger coming from the pit of their chest.
paper wings mounted on giclee printed vector mural
47inches wide by 37 inches tall
Pink & Blue, Plate #1: SOLD
Red & Yellow, Plate #2
Green & Tan, Plate #3
Teal & Pink, , Plate #4
For sales information please contact:
Andrew Lockhart
artwork & copyright Lacy Barry 2013
photography by Alexander Flore & Lacy Barry