
    Nature Books

OFF THE PAGE - Claremont Town Centre
Public Art Installation
Opening: – 10am Tuesday 1 May at Empire Homewares
Exhibition: May 1- 13, 2018, in The Claremont Quarter, Perth. 9 Bay View Tce

Made from various recycled and repurposed pages, cardboard, newspaper and book covers sculpted in natural textures and layers, this installation explores regeneration back from book to nature. Assembled on and around a large void space opening in a public centre at approximately 28 meters to 9 meters, to a skylight and lower level we construct a ‘greenhouse’, spilling light on the remnants of previously forgotten relics of literature. Portions of the installation consume whole areas with breaks to reveal the clear glass of the balustrading beneath. A mixture of dynamic natural shapes, create a scene that can be physically experienced by spectators, giving the feeling that the artwork is growing on the buildings structure. Based on nature elements such as moss, geodes, scales, roots, leaves, hair & roots, we hope to pay some homage to the tactile origins of reading materials.

Concept by Lacy Barry

Development & Installation by the former:
Crizilla & Delasey

Hans Bruechle of Birdhouse Media
Kara from Claremont Town

Thank you to all our friends and interns who helped out:

Mata Krishna, Alejandra Vargas Diaz, Marie D’Arc, Marcela Bustamante, Karina Woll & Alin Bosnoyan

Music by Prince Heka
