

Art Installation
event date: July 11, 2020

“Pandemics such as coronavirus are the result of humanity’s destruction of nature, according to leaders at the UN, WHO and WWF International, and the world has been ignoring this stark reality for decades.”

With the threat of many ‘virus turn worldwide pandemics’ before COVID-19  (SARS, ZIKA, and EBOLA) it was only a matter of time our unbalanced economic operations would be forced to shut down. In the Global North, we paid much lip service to #climatechange and agreed our most sought after man-made resource (money) would somehow improve our unhealthy standing with our environment. But the perils of COVID-19 offer a clue; perhaps the whole system itself requires a complete rework. Highlighting issues of over-production of our lands, but also the discrimination towards our human comrades. In the Global North especially we have treated concerns of climate change and racial discrimination with the idea that throwing money at something will ‘fix’ it. But how can we continue ‘business as usual’, conducting the same oxymoronic habits that create these environmental and humanitarian problems to begin with? Throwing money at a problem is indeed easy, but is it a solution? …And does a fruitful and ever flourishing living planet require anything from us? especially our paper money? It provides us of everything that we need to sustain our lives and our fascination, so why do we hurt the planet that gives and nurtures like a caring parent?

Humans live in an agreed societally economic race that applies super imposed ranking of countries from producers to consumers, retaining a class system that requires exhausting human resources and over extracting the environment to meet super imposed quotas. Environmental and humanitarian discrimination is linked. Living un-symbiotically with a giving, living planet, and un-harmoniously with one another in balance is also hurting us. Not giving up our parasitic systems of economics have set us on the verge of killing our earthly host along with ourselves, and not giving the our living planet and each other time to heal is throwing continued salt into a massive wound.

In a way, the enforced lock-down of COVID-19 has offered a time for reflection and observation of a planet where we are not producing at over capacity. Nature has extended an olive branch, but will we be wise enough to take it?

… Perhaps its is time to adjust our societal habits and do the hardest things of all; change us.

Medium; paper and recycled cardboard
Site #6:

In collaboration with St.Thomas Church, Berlin, Kreuzberg

Photography copyright Lacy Barry 2020
